Eligibility- Current Account can be opened by below listed entities.
- Sole Proprietary Concerns
- Partnership Concern
- Limited Companies
- Associations, Clubs, Societies, etc.
- Trusts
- Municipalities
- Government and Quasi-Government Bodies
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
- Panchayat
- Religious Institutions
- Educational Institutes (including Universities)
- Charitable Institutions
* (W.E.F 01-04-2024)
Regular Term Deposits |
Rate of Interest |
Remarks |
007 Days to 045 Days | 3.50% | Premature Without Penalty |
046 Days to 90 Days | 4.00% | Premature Without Penalty |
091 Days to 180 Days | 5.00% | |
181 Days to 364 Days | 5.75% | |
444 Days (Simple Interest) | 7.25% | 0.50% More Interest for Senior Citizens Premature encashment will attract 1.00% penalty |
1 Year and Above Upto 3 Years (Cumulative Interest) | 7.40% | 0.50% More Interest for Senior Citizens Premature encashment will attract 1.00% penalty |
Above 3 Years (Cumulative Interest) | 7.25% | 0.50% More Interest for Senior Citizens Premature encashment will attract 1.00% penalty |
Bulk Deposits * 1 Years to 3 Years *Conditions apply. | 7.50% | 0.50% More Interest for Senior Citizens Premature encashment will attract 1.00% penalty |
*Conditions apply:
Bulk Deposit: Single term deposits of Rupees fifteen Lakhs and above.
Premature penalty of 1% applicable, if the bulk term deposit withdrawn before its maturity.
- Customer will get interest on Monthly / Quarterly / On Maturity interval on Fixed Deposits.
- TDS will be applicable @10.00%, if interest paid on Fixed Deposits / Recurring Deposits equal to or more then Rs. 40,000/- [General] / 50,000/- (Senior Citizen) in a financial year and PAN card submitted.
- If PAN card is not submitted TDS will be deducted @ 20.00%
- Customer may submit form 15G / 15H along with PAN card for no deduction of TDS, if total taxable income of the customer does not exceed basic limit of Income Tax. (Rs. 2,50,000/- [General] / Rs. 3,00,000 [Senior Citizen] / Rs. 5,00,000 [above 80 Years])
- TDS is applicable from June 1, 2015 for financial year 2015-16 (For Depositors of Co-Operative Banks).
- Premature payment will be allowed only with consent of all joint holders. Interest will be paid at 1.00 % less than for particular period.
- Depoist Up to 5,00,000 cover under DICGC