Eligibility- Current Account can be opened by below listed entities.
- Sole Proprietary Concerns
- Partnership Concern
- Limited Companies
- Associations, Clubs, Societies, etc.
- Trusts
- Municipalities
- Government and Quasi-Government Bodies
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
- Panchayat
- Religious Institutions
- Educational Institutes (including Universities)
- Charitable Institutions
Current Account |
Accounts of Trusts |
Registration Certificate; Trust Deed; and an officially valid document in respect of the person holding a power of attorney to transact on its behalf |
Accounts of Proprietorship Concerns
Proof of the name, Proof of the address and Proof of the activity of the concern |
Apart from Customer identification procedure as applicable to the proprietor any two of the following documents in the name of the proprietary concern would suffice
Accounts of Partnership firms |
Registration Certificate; Partnership Deed; and an officially valid document in respect of the person holding an attorney to transact on its behalf |
Accounts of Companies |
An officially valid document in respect of managers, officers or employees holding an attorney to transact on its behalf. |
Facilities Offered
- 60 Personalized CTS Cheques Leaves in a Year (can be issued more if requested).
- SMS Alert facility for Balance Inquiry, Statement Details, Transaction Alerts etc.
- Demand Draft / Pay Orders @ No Cost.
- Nomination Facility.